Serve with His Children / Sus Hijos
We partner with many organizations and churches to host mission teams throughout the year. A trip to serve in El Salvador is an amazing opportunity to serve in many areas. Each trip looks slightly different but some of the ministry opportunities include serving in orphanages, feeding the homeless, passing out food to communities, building homes for those in need, taking an orphanage center on a field trip, going to visit a prison, eating in the States Diner, and more. It is an experience like no other!
Do you have a Church, Organization or group of friends that you want to bring to El Salvador? Have you have been praying about being a short-term missionary? We always can use medical missions and any other skill you may have to work with the communities and orphanages where we serve.

Beautiful, cool weather in neighborhood
Hot and Cold water with cistern
2 washers and dryers
Full updated kitchen
6 showers 7 toilets
Small backyard with tables
Sheets and towels supplied
Air-conditioning in whole house
Meals on and off site
Safe / lock box for teams
Budget available on request
Transportation in house
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it dangerous?
It’s as dangerous as any other major city in the United States. We know where to go and we have security at the mission Home and the States Diner. We do our best to keep you safe. As of 2024 El Salvador is a much safer country.
What will I eat?
By no means will you starve here. We have all the major fast food chains and even have our own restaurant and staff that will cook for you daily. Even special diets are not a problem. We also sometimes have short term missionaries come to El Salvador to take care of our team.
Yes, we do have gangs here, they are not seen anymore. 18 and 13 are the 2 big ones. Most of the killing they do is between themselves. The gang were started in California and have grown all over the world now. We pray for them daily. Since 2022, the government has an anti-gang policy and over 70,000 people have been arrested.
Stephanie Keenan
(Mission Team Leader, CA)
I have been serving on and leading mission trips with Sus Hijos for over 15 years and I would recommend this organization for short term teams. The mission house is a great place stay and feels much like a home away from home. Their ability to tailor a trip to the team needs and size is also a huge plus. But for me the most impactful and important piece is that when you serve on a team with them you are just going along with what they do every week, you are not being dropped in somewhere to share Jesus and then vacate with no follow-up. The Sus Hijos staff (paid & volunteer) serves all year round, teams or no teams, they are going into the same centers doing bible studies, building houses, and feeding the homeless. It has been a great joy in my life to serve with them.
Jenni Ramsey
(Founder/Director, His Hands His Feet, TX)
I have been leading short-term mission teams for over 20 years and I’ve been honored to serve with many organizations all over the world. I can honestly say that Sus Hijos does the best job of hosting short-term teams of any ministry that I’ve partnered with. They are having a tremendous impact on the beautiful people of El Salvador and it’s an honor to partner alongside their work. His Hands His Feet is overjoyed to bring North American teams to partner with Sus Hijos. Our team members always comment on how well they are prepared to serve as well as how the trips are incredibly organized, managed and prayed over. The people who serve with Sus Hijos are deeply compassionate, sacrificial, hardworking, fun, Spirit led and truly serve as the hands and feet of Jesus.
Ashley Storie
(Starfish Orphan Ministry, TN)
Kurt and the Sus Hijos team are truly broken for the forgotten orphans of El Salvador and for the broken state of society in this beautiful country. Genuine love, the love of Christ, shines so brightly through Sus Hijos. This is exactly why Starfish Orphan Ministry has brought more than 80 teams to serve alongside them over the past ten years.
Valerie Anderlik
(Mission Team Member, MO)
Sus Hijos does amazing work for the Lord! His love shines through their staff and volunteers in the way they interact with the short-term mission teams and minister to the kids in the centers and people in the community. We have served with them three times now and have two more mission trips scheduled next year. We cannot say enough about Sus Hijos! Their organization is a blessing to so many people- El Salvadorians and Americans alike.
Lori Scott
(Mission Team Member, KY)
I love the mission and ministry of Sus Hijos. Having the opportunity to serve with them twice, they truly put the Word of God into action in El Salvador. Building homes, fostering communities, feeding the homeless, teaching young adults basic life skills and a trade, and bringing joy to an orphan - these are just a few of the things that the team of Sus Hijos does. But something they do that stands out even more is that they love like Jesus and teach others to do the same. One of the most impactful things that I have heard over and over is that we can work hard and build a house for someone, but that is pointless if we don’t love them. Love is the basis for this foundation and is behind every heart that serves. I can’t wait to be back with them again.